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Be the Change, LoveLocalJbs Foundatin CIC

The opportunity

Be the Change aims to support young people on their journey and open their eyes to the world of work and the possibilities it can bring. The programme encompasses a series of powerful interactions throughout the school year. It will be an interactive and engaging experience which will shed light on the importance of individual qualities as well as qualifications. Be the Change will demonstrate to young people (although not always academic) that they are bright and talented and, with support from positive role models, they can have successful futures.

Be the Change is aimed at students who for one reason or another may:


Be disengaged at school

Lack confidence in their own abilities

Struggle academically

We would advise selecting students who you feel would most benefit – perhaps those that have difficulty engaging in class, those who might have low self-esteem or those that struggle with academic life, but who you feel will have real potential once engaged in an activity that gets their attention.


If a student asks why they have been chosen, please let them know that they’ve been chosen because you believe that they have huge potential to be successful in their career and getting to take part in this programme is a real bonus.

Programme structure:


1:1 Session

(30-60 minutes per 1:1 session)

Stepping Up

1:1 Session 

(30-60 minutes per 1:1 session)

Workplace Tour

Awards Celebration

All interactions are currently being planned around Covid-19 restrictions and recommendations.

Important Information

Pastoral Support
It is important that we have the full support of the school so that students benefit from continued support. We recommend that where possible, any pastoral carers are invited to be involved in the sessions so that they experience the programme. We will also provide briefing notes for teachers to share with colleagues who were unable to be involved so that they are aware of the activities the students are participating in.


Role of Teachers
 Throughout the sessions we ask that teachers are present to ensure their pupils are happy and engaged.  Should any behavioural problems arise, the appropriate teacher will be called upon. 


School commitment 
Please note: that students are required to attend every Be the Change activity throughout the programme and students who haven’t attended the launch cannot join the programme at a later date. There are six interactions for the Be the Change programme, it's important that students and the relevant school staff attend each session. Business Guides will be attending the 1:1 sessions / workplace tours virtually taking time out of their calendars, therefore please ensure that the school and students have the dates in the calendar and participate. 


Be the Change recognises the importance of safeguarding when working with young people. All Be the Change event team members have enhanced DBS certification. Safeguarding info (DBS disclosure reference numbers and event team identity badges) for the team are provided below for your records.

All mentors will be given the Be the Change Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy to read and sign and will not be left with any student unaccompanied at any stage during the programme. We also encourage all Business Guides to apply for DBS certification with our support.


Online Safety 

Be the Change aims to support students in an interactive and engaging experience bringing together students and business volunteers. When events are held online we recognise that measures need to be in place to ensure that participants are kept safe at all times. We all have a duty to ensure that all young people and adults involved in Be the Change are protected from potential harm online. To read how we aim to do this, please go to our Online Safeguarding policy which you can access below.


Parent Permissions

Schools are to obtain written permission from Students’ parents or guardians for students to be included in the Be the Change Programme.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

As the organisation that promotes the Be the Change programme, LoveLocalJobs Foundation CIC takes the privacy of everyone involved extremely seriously.  From the programme Sponsor organisations and their Business Guides to the students and their teachers, we have gone to great lengths to ensure the integrity and safety of the data we handle. To read more about this, please see the documents below.


Data protection and Be the Change

Code of conduct

Safeguarding policy 2021

Online safeguarding policy 2021

Young person online safety agreement 

Read more

Parent permission and photo permission

Be the Change 2021 booklets

Risk assessment document 

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