As the Spring Term comes to end this March, so do programmes with First Central, People’s Partnership and PwC.
This year, First Central partnered with students from Warden Park Academy and Oathall Community College.

People’s Partnership teamed up with Year 9 students from Hazelwick School in Crawley, while PwC worked with no less than three brilliant Crawley-based schools, Ifield Community College, Oriel High School and The Gatwick School.
It was a pleasure to have so many mentors give up their time to support and guide a number of students throughout the Skills, Journey and Ultimate Goal sessions, and many more behind the scenes worked so hard to put on fantastic days onsite for when the students visited for the day.
From a trip up to London for a day spent learning about AI and VR, completing an Escape Room challenge and building valuable skills and experiences for their future careers, the workplace visits each business put on were a triumph.
A huge thanks goes to every one of the amazing mentors and businesses involved in each programme for all the time, effort and energy put in to ensure the students got the most from the experience.
We say it a lot, but without your help and support, Dare to Dream simply would not be possible!